We’re coming back!
New Beginning family, we are so excited about the re-opening of our sanctuary. It has been several months since we have worshiped together as a body and we cannot wait to see you all again. While we are excited, we are also very cautious and have put much thought into how we will continue to keep you and your family safe during this time. This is not something we have rushed into, this is something that has taken lots of consideration, prayer and planning. We will open our church doors in several phases. Sunday May 31st will be our phase 1 opening, which will include our most thorough set of guidelines. Please see guidelines below
Phase 1 Opening Guidelines
- If you have flu like symptoms, fever, sore throat, or have recently been in contact with someone with COVID-19, please stay home and tune in online.
- If you have pre-existing medical conditions or are over the age of 65 we ask that you please tune in online.
- Kingdom Kids ministry will not be open during phase 1. We ask that all children under the age of 12 please stay home. It is extremely hard for children to understand the social distancing concept.
- Individuals who wish to attend must register online and RSVP. Seating will be assigned based on your RSVP for yourself or your family. Our seating capacity will be at 40% for phase 1.
- Please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to service for check in.
Check – In instructions
- Upon arrival at NBCM please stop by one of our pop up tents for check- in.
- At the check- in station, temperatures will be taken for every individual entering the sanctuary. At this time you will receive a wristband which you will need to enter.
- Every person will be required to wear a facial covering.
- We will follow 6 feet social distancing both inside and outside the sanctuary
- No paper material will be handed out such as bulletins and announcements
- There will be no physical greeting such as handshakes or hugs, we know it will be tempting but please feel free to offer a wave or air hug.
- We encourage you to continue to give online or through text. Offering envelopes will be at the door if you need to pick one up before entering.
- In between every service we will clear out the sanctuary, sanitize and clean everything for the next service.
We know these guidelines are different than what we are used to and they are very thorough, but we would rather be extra safe using wisdom and covering our church family.