These are tough economic times and many families are just barely able to make ends meet. This includes many working families, often times referred to as the working poor. In partnership with Shepherds Pantry, NBCM provides free food each week to the community so we can help families use their financial limited resources for rent, utilities, etc. Since 2007 we have been providing free food to the community and we are proud to provide food service to over 200 families per month.
Weekly Food Distribution
Food is provided for you and/or your family which includes canned and boxed food, produce, fresh fruits, dairy / deli, frozen meat and bakery items. Clients may receive food two times per month from any Shepherd’s Pantry location.
Prayer Support
Being a faith-based organization we offer prayer support for all of our clients when they come for food. This is offered on an individual private basis and optional for the client.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the qualifications for our service? We provide services to anyone living in the Los Angeles County. Please bring proof of residence (like a phone bill, driver’s license…) on your first visit.
- What food is provided? Food is provided for you and/or your family which includes canned and boxed food, produce, fresh fruits, dairy/deli, frozen meat and bakery items.
- Are Baby diapers and food available? Occasionally, but based on supply so be sure to ask for specific needs.
- How often can you receive food? Food may be received two times per month from any Shepherd’s Pantry location.
- What is the cost for this service? There is no monetary charge for any service we provide.
We look forward to serving you!